Garlic Harvest
Plough, Shovel, Plant! April is the best time for 'the planting of the garlic' in our neck of the woods. Garlic loves the dewy mornings of Autumn here in the northern rivers catchment, the nourishing downpours and steamy sunshine are the perfect environment for root development. The phenological phenomenon of cropping is a wonder to behold. We are not yet completely aligned with moon phase gardening but it seems garlic is a tolerant crop for rookie farmers.
Fresh finger limes
for everyone
Finger Limes are native to our area. In fact bush-walking through the Border Ranges at the back of our property you'll find lots of naturally occurring finger lime trees, or "Citrus Australascia" for the horticulturally minded. Ours have pink fruit and next to no seeds and are by far the best accompaniment for a Gin & Tonic!

"We acknowledge the generations of the Bundjalung people of this beautiful valley who, as the traditional owners, have been custodians of these lands over many thousands of years. As current caretakers of a small pocket of land we've called Dulguigan Downs, we invite you to experience the natural beauty and savour authentic flavours of this wonderous part of the world."